Dentist in 60016 | Don’t Miss Your Screening

Des Plaines Dentist

Des Plaines Dentist Oral cancer does not discriminate. It affects those of all ages, genders and races. Smokers do develop oral cancers at higher rates than non-smokers. However, this does not absolve the rest of the population from being at risk, as well. It’s incredibly important to keep to your recommended schedule of oral health […]

5 Interesting Dental Facts

sleep apnea dentist des plaines il

Did you know your oral health can impact your overall health? We’ve compiled a list of 5 tidbits about your teeth and oral health. Say Cheese Cheese has been found to promote dental health by helping prevent tooth decay. The calcium and phosphorus found in cheese help neutralizes acid in the mouth. Acid can create […]

The One Piece of Gear Every Athlete Needs

Des Plaines Dentist

An injury to your mouth can be a painful, expensive experience. For athletes, mouth and tooth injuries are a very real risk. Mouthguards are an excellent tool for protecting your mouth from injury and harm. Our team can help you find a solution that protects your teeth while you play. Why Wear a Mouthguard? Mouthguards […]

Des Plaines Dentist | How Probiotics Improve Oral Health

Des Plaines Dentist

Dentist Near Me Probiotics are typically advertised as being helpful for digestion. However, studies have shown that they can also improve oral health. Probiotics are beneficial for fighting infections that lead to oral disease. Reducing Gingivitis A study published in Contemporary Clinical Dentistry has found that probiotics can reduce gum bleeding in patients with moderate […]

60016 Dentist | What is Orthognathic Surgery?

Des Plaines Dentist

Dentist Near Me Do you feel self-conscious about your appearance because of your jaw? If you have an underbite, where the lower jaw protrudes beyond the upper jaw, or an open bite, where the top and bottom teeth do not properly meet, orthognathic surgery may be a solution. Orthognathic surgery can improve your appearance and […]

Dentist in Des Plaines | The Periodontal Disease – Diabetes Connection

Des Plaines Dentist

Dentist Near Me Nearly 30 million Americans suffer from diabetes. Almost 65 million Americans have periodontal disease. Recent studies have suggested that there is a two-way connection between diabetes and periodontal (gum) disease. Patients with gum disease have increased risk of other diabetic complications and patients with diabetes are more prone to developing gum disease. […]

Dentist in Des Plaines | Help! 5 Tips to Know When You Can’t Brush

Des Plaines Dentist

Dentist Near Me Occasionally you might find yourself in a situation where you won’t be able to brush your teeth, perhaps through a lack of time or your location. Though it is vital to brush twice each day, here are a few steps you can take if you find yourself in a bind. Drink Water […]

60016 Dentist | What Vegetarians and Vegans Need to Know About Their Teeth

Des Plaines Dentist

Dentist Near Me If you are on a vegetarian or vegan diet, it is important that you are aware of the impact these diets can have on your teeth and overall oral health. While there are numerous benefits of following a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, your teeth depend on certain nutrients to remain strong and […]

Des Plaines Dentist | Are Drinks Attacking Your Teeth?

Des Plaines Dentist

Dentist Near Me If carbonated soft drinks are part of your normal daily routine, you may be causing serious damage to your teeth. Recent studies have found soft drinks to be among the most potent dietary causes of tooth decay. Soft drinks have also been implicated in increases of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other […]

60016 Dentist | The Truth About Dental Anxiety

Des Plaines Dentist

Dentist in Des Plaines Is anxiety or nervousness preventing you from visiting our team? Dental treatments should not be a cause of stress. If you worry about pain, embarrassment, or loss or control during a dental examination, we want you to know two very important things: You are not alone and We can help. Dental […]